Monday 11 July 2011

Thing 3: Consider your personal brand

It is only recently that I have considered using the internet in a "professional" capacity. I don't think I even realised that so many people used the internet in such a way until earlier this year when it was discussed as part of my MA course. So before then, my internet use was predominantly related to my personal interests and while I had considered the various implications of public information sharing and was aware of how the way I presented myself online could potentially be perceived by others, I certainly hadn't thought of it in terms of my "personal brand".

I think I have been reluctant to do so for a few reasons:

1) The word "brand". I feel as though there is something inherently false about this word, which is probably wrapped up in my suspicion of commercial advertising and big business. I know that people present different sides of themselves depending on the situation and perhaps this is no different; I also know that appearances and first impressions are important, but it feels somewhat strange and disconcerting to think of my online persona as a brand.

2) My default setting is self-deprecating. I am far more likely to pick out my flaws and make a joke out of them rather than admit to where my strengths lie. I really like self-deprecating humour in others too. I find it charming. Obviously I don't really think I'm bad at everything, but trying to sell myself as a "new professional" just feels slightly odd. Maybe this is something I need to work on!

3) I am interested in so many things! Things like....

Classic Sociology

Parks and Recreation


Margaret Atwood

....and I think this is a good thing. I don't want to filter out all the things that make me "me". I like to think that potential employers would want someone who likes lots of things and is passionate about even more things. I think that if I thought about my personal brand too much, I would get too self-conscious about it all and would never say anything at all.

I use the name @manynicethings on Twitter as this is the name of my craft project and was the reason I started using Twitter to begin with. It's a fairly simple name and doesn't say too much about me as a person, but I have grown to quite like it, even if it is a bit on the twee side. I usually put my real name on all my online sites. I used to worry about this, and what people thought of me, but in the last year or so have realised that it doesn't really matter: life is too short.

On Twitter, I use a picture of myself on holiday in Portugal. On blogger, I use a picture my sister took with one of her "arty" cameras. I should probably have more consistency in terms of my image, but I never seem to get around to it. I also like my sister's photographs!

I don't really keep my personal and professional identities compartmentalised. I use my Twitter account for my craft work, my writing and my professional library stuff. All of these things are important to me, and are all part of who I am. I sometimes wonder if I should start keeping things separate, but I don't think I could...they all overlap too often! I also know that I really enjoy other Twitter accounts that mix the two. That said, I do try to not "overshare" and I tend to talk about things I'm interested in as opposed to personal, emotional-type stuff.

My visual brand is somewhat inconsistent, but I like to think that there is some sort of connection in style between things. I like quite minimal styles and I am interested in colour/design, so I am aware of what things look like. I have three blogs, and I like having different designs for each of them. My Twitter is again different. It would perhaps be a good idea to have one consistent element throughout, which is something I will think about!

When I googled my name, only one of the results on the first page was me, for a story I recently had published on a writing blog. Sarah Reid is a fairly common name. It also seems that there is a Scottish curler who I share my name with. Not sure how I can compete with that really!

If anyone has any comments on my personal brand, feel free to comment below!

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